Maria Baisier
Fine Arts Survey, Drama I, Drama II, III, & IV Teacher, Theater Director
Ava Coffin
5th - 7th Grade Band and Fine Arts Survey Teacher, Bengal Band Director, Tiger Band Assistant Director, Tri-M Music Junior Honor Society Moderator
Perry Forstall '13
8th - 12th Band Teacher, 7th Grade Music Teacher, Tiger Band Director
Michelle Landry
Art Teacher, Art Club Moderator, National Art Honor Society Moderator
Craig Matherne
Chorus I, Chorus II, Chorus III Honors, Chorus IV Honors, and 5th - 7th Music/Chorus Teacher, Chorus Director, Fine Arts Department Chair, Tri-M Music Honor Society Moderator
High School (8-12)
Katelyn Aquilo
English II Honors, English II Honors Scholars and English V Honors Teacher, English Department Chair, Honor Society Co-Moderator, AP Seminar, Scholars Program Assistant Coordinator
Michael Arvites '04
Advanced Placement United States History, Advanced Placement World History, United States History, World War II History Honors Teacher, Social Studies Department Chair, Scholars Program Coordinator, Technology Coach, Varsity Basketball Game Day Operations
Kal Bonura '08
Physical Education and Health & Wellness Teacher, Head Baseball Coach & Program Director
Ryan Bourgeis '13
8th - 9th Grade Computer Applications, United States History, and World History Teacher
Raymond Charboneau
Civics and Civics Honors Teacher, Faculty Mentor, 12th Grade Moderator, Yearbook Photographer
Tommy Connors
Physical Education Department Chair, Athletic Physical Education Teacher, Varsity Football Defensive Coordinator, Middle School Head Basketball Coach
Catherine Cooper
AP English V, English IV/Honors, and AP Government Teacher, Literary Rally Coordinator
Laura DeHart
Algebra I Honors, Algebra II Teacher, Campus Ministry Team
Bradley Demots
English III Honors/Scholars, English V, and Speech III Teacher
Katie Elliott, M.A.
Spanish I, Spanish II/Honors, Spanish III/Honors, Spanish Club Moderator, Spanish Honor Society Moderator
Austin Gavrin
8th and 9th Grade Computer Applications and Physical Education Teacher, Assistant Varsity Football Coach, Middle School Assistant Basketball Coach, Middle School Head Flag Football Coach
Stuart Hayers
Soccer Program Director and Head Varsity Coach
Jacob Kiser
Intro to Business, Economics Honors, and Computer Applications Teacher, Assistant Varsity Football Coach
Tara Lavender
Earth Science and Earth Science Honors Teacher, 8th Grade Moderator, Student Council Director, Science Fair Co-Coordinator
David Lindsey
Anatomy & Physiology Honors, Biology I, Biology I Honors, Biology II Teacher, Head Powerlifting Coach & Program Director, Technology Coach, 10th Grade Moderator
Barbara Odinet
Physical Science, Physical Science Honors Teacher, 9th Grade Moderator
Birgit Olsen
English II, English III, English III Honors
Cynthia Pecquet
Geometry, Geometry Honors, and Algebra II Honors Teacher, Middle School Assistant Robotics Coach
Logan Puissegur '19
History of Religion, Peer Ministry, and Journalism I/II Teacher, Director of Campus Ministry, Head Bowling Coach, TCAC Metro Head Football Coach, Yearbook Editor
Katherine Schilling
Biology I, Biology I Honors, AP Biology II, AP Research Teacher, Science Department Chair, Science Fair Co-Coordinator
Peter Shaffo
Theology IV and History of Religion Teacher, Theology Department Chair, Pro-life Club Moderator
Mark Songy
Theology III Teacher, Varsity Associate Head Football Coach, Associate Athletic Director
Christopher Thompson '00
Physical Education Teacher, Assistant Varsity Football Coach, Assistant Varsity Track and Field Coach
Justin Toepfer
World Geography and World Geography Honors Teacher, Head Golf Coach, TCAC Football Coach
Dale Turner
AP Calculus, Physics Honors, Drafting Honors Dual Enrollment, Dual Enrollment Business Statistics & Calculus, Advanced Math Trigonometry Honors/Dual Enrollment, AP Computer Science Principals, Math Department Co-Chair, Head Swim Coach, Head of Robotics
David Westfall '92
Chemistry, Chemistry Honors Teacher, Cross Country Program Director and Varsity Head Coach, Middle School Track Coach, 11th Grade Moderator
Kristen Bonura
7th Grade Science, STEM/Project Lead the Way, and Environmental Science Teacher, TCAC Middle School Coach, Middle School Track Assistant Coach, Educational Technologist
Cindy Bourque
7th Grade Math Teacher, Math Department Co-Chair, 7th Grade Moderator
Lisa Englert
5th-7th STEM/Project Lead the Way Teacher, Project Lead the Way Coordinator, Educational Technologist, Pre-K -4th Robotics Coach
Austin Gavrin
8th and 9th Grade Computer Applications and Physical Education Teacher, Assistant Varsity Football Coach, Middle School Assistant Basketball Coach, Middle School Head Flag Football Coach