Clubs and Organizations
Holy Cross School-Sponsored Clubs and Organizations
Altar Servers
- Grades: Open to students in grades 5-12
- Club Description: Calling upon students who are confident in their Catholic Faith, our altar serving team supports our chaplain and priests in the preparation and execution of Liturgical Celebrations. While experience is preferred, training will be provided for those who are willing to learn.
Art Club
- Grades: Open to students in grades 5-12
- Club Description: The Art Club is designed to encourage a talented art student to pursue his interest in art outside of the formal setting. It is not necessary to be enrolled in art to participate.
- Moderator: Michelle Landry
Audio-Visual Club (AV Club)
- Grades: 5-12
- Club Description: The club is designed to showcase Holy Cross academically, socially, and spiritually by developing multimedia content through various means such as film, music, and printed material. The student’s work will be displayed through the school’s social media platforms, the main website, daily video announcements, and more. The students will also take part in national contests such as the Coca-Cola Company’s Powerade commercial competition. Students will create, develop, and edit all the material.
Brother Andre Service Society
- Grades: Open to students in grades 5-7
- Club Description: The Brother Andre Service Society exists to promote among students in grades 5, 6, and 7 a spirit and willingness to be of service to each other, to their school, and to the larger community. Members believe that sharing one’s time and talents with others, even in the slightest manner, is a way of living out the Gospels.
- Moderator: Connie Allerton
Peer Ministry
- Grades: Open to all students in grades 8-12
- Club Description: Student leadership is the hallmark of Campus Ministry. The Campus Ministry Club allows students the opportunity to develop, with their peers, a more active faith life. Campus Ministry meetings provide students with opportunities to grow in their faith, get involved in outreach projects, and assume a more vital role in the school-wide ministry. Campus Ministry participants take the leadership in our outreach program. It is through their generosity and inspiration many lives, both locally and internationally, are touched throughout the year.
Chess Club
- Grades: All Grades
- Club Description: HC Chess Club welcomes all students interested in chess. Whether you know nothing about chess, are a beginner, or already have some experience, chess club is here to help you learn how to play chess, become a better player, and even compete. HC is very fortunate to have US Chess Federation Master and six-time Louisiana champion James Rousselle (HC ’74) as its mentor. James meets all players at their level and is happy to show them the next steps in their development. There is never a dull meeting as HC chess players come together, play, compete, and enjoy the games.
- Moderator: Maranda Alvarez
E-Sports (LHSAA Sport)
- Grades: 9-12
- Club Description: We are an official LHSAA team of organized competitive video gamers that is comprised of highly skilled 9th-12th graders. We currently play League of Legends, a multiplayer, online, battle arena-style game.
- Moderator: Dexter Bass
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Grades: Open to students in 12th Grade.
- Club Description: Applications are accepted in the Spring semester of 11th grade year. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assure the orderly and reverent distribution of the Body and Blood of the Lord at community Liturgical Celebrations. Interested students should have a zeal for spiritual, theological, and practical understanding of their Catholic faith cultivation.
Fishing Club
- Grades: 5-12
- Club Description: The Fishing Club is interested in all types of fishing such as bass, perch, trout, and more. The club is mainly on-shore fishing; however, the club's goal is to grow to add boating excursions and fishing.
- Moderator: Spencer Davis
Holy Cross Center Stage
- Grades: Holy Cross Center Stage is open to all 5th - 12th grade students
- Club Description: This is a Holy Cross-sponsored theater club. Students learn to become at ease in front of people by playing theater games. There are opportunities for improvisation, pantomime, duo scenes, monologues, and group speech. Club members are encouraged to work in the shows mounted by the drama department. If a club member signs on to act or work in a production, he will be expected to attend rehearsals set by the director. Rehearsals are held from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. There are no weekend or nighttime rehearsals unless one cannot be avoided.
- Moderator: Maria Baisier
Holy Cross Martial Arts
- Grades: PK-12
- Club Description: Fight with swords. Learn Self Defense. Acquire skills you can use for the rest of your life, not just when you are at HC. Open to ALL Holy Cross students from K-12 we teach the ancient art of Kenjutsu (Japanese Fencing), Kumite (Hand to Hand Fighting), and Kobudo (Weapons). The Tiger Martial Arts Team has over TEN USKA World Champions over the years and competes in Local, State, Regional, National, and World Tournaments with unparalleled success. Tournaments are entirely optional, and no experience is necessary. The only two requirements are adherence to the Code of the Holy Cross Man and the Code of the Samurai, the Dojo Kun: Seek Perfection of Character, Be Faithful, Endeavor, and Respect Others. Refrain from Violent Behavior! Contact Sensei Heller to become a Tiger Samurai Today!
- Come to ANY practice to see if you like it.
- Moderator: Thomas Heller
Holy Cross Speech and Debate and The Brother Aiden O'Reilly Debating Society
- Grades: Debate Team open to grades 5th - 12th
- Club Description: Our competitive debate and forensics team. Students who excel in Speech and Debate are regularly among the top college scholarship award winners each year! The team travels across the state and the country, regularly acquiring state, district, and national honors. Competition is available for almost the entire year, which makes it possible to participate in a favorite sport, and also be involved in this activity, as the season begins in September and continues to March with the national championships held in June. Currently, Holy Cross competes in all debate events: Policy Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, World Schools Debate, Congressional Debate, and Big Questions Debate. They also compete in individual events: Duo Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Oral Interpretation, Program Oral Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, Declamation, and Original Oratory.
- Moderator: Joshua Stewart
HC Stompers
- Grades: 8-12
- Club Description: Extraordinary men somewhat ordinary moves! This All-skill-level dance team was inspired by New Orleans's famous 610 Stompers. The stompers can be seen entertaining the crowds at local school pep rallies, elementary school fairs, family, parades, and more!
- Moderators: Savanna Heller
- Grades: JV and Varsity Teams (Grades 5-12)
- Club Description: The Holy Cross Lacrosse team is an athletic club team that competes against schools from around the greater New Orleans area and surrounding parishes in the sport. Lacrosse is a team sport where players try to get a rubber ball into a net or goal. Players use a long stick with a net on the end of it called a lacrosse stick. Players can run, carry, catch, shoot, and pass the ball with the net of the stick.
Latin Honor Society
- Grades: 10-12
- Selection Process: Students who have maintained an honor average in Spanish for a minimum of three semesters are invited to join. The SHS will serve the school and the community through service.
- Moderator: Claire Plunkett
Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society
- Grades: Open to students in grades 9-12 who have completed two years of college preparatory mathematics, including algebra and/or geometry, and have completed or are enrolled in a third year of college preparatory mathematics. Students must hold a 3.0 math grade point average on a 4-point scale.
- Club Description: In the words of MAO founder Dr Richard V Andree: Mu Alpha Theta is "an organization dedicated to promoting scholarship in mathematics and establishing math as an integral part of high school and junior college education." In that spirit, Mu Alpha Theta members will participate in local and regional math competitions.
- Moderator: TBD
National Art Society:TBD
- Grades:
- Club Description:
- Moderator:
National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society
- Club Description: The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society, a prestigious organizations made up of students who exemplify outstanding accomplishments in the ideals of scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. NHS and NJHS members are invited and chosen by a selection committee before induction, must maintain a cumulative 3.5 GPA, and work to serve the school and community in various service projects.
- Moderators: Katelyn Aquilo
- Grades: Open to students in grades 5-12
- Club Description: Since 2005, Holy Cross has been educating young men in the field of robotics. The school’s teams have won numerous state and regional awards with BEST (Building Engineering Science and Technology) Robotics, VEX Robotics, Mini-Urban Challenge, and VEXIQ Robotics. Robotics helps the young men at Holy Cross School learn how to implement effective problem-solving skills in the areas of design, computer programming, and engineering while constructing robots to compete at state, regional and world levels. Through these experiences, our young men are choosing to prepare themselves for college and careers in the areas of science, mathematics, technology, and engineering.
- Middle School Moderator: Cindy Pecquet
- High School Moderator: Dale Turner
Spanish Club
Grades: 8-12
- Description: The Spanish Club is geared towards students who would like opportunities to speak Spanish outside the classroom as well as learn more about the various Hispanic cultures. The purpose of the club is to promote further interest and an appreciation of the Spanish-speaking countries, their language, and their customs. The Spanish Club is open to all students.
- Moderator: Katie Elliot
Student Ambassador Team
- Grades: 11th and 12th Grade
- Club Description: A student ambassador has a genuine love and dedication to his school. An ambassador embodies the mission and purpose of Holy Cross School and represents the true meaning of what a Holy Cross Man is. He will demonstrate the spirit and pride of the student body by serving at all general school-related activities. He is selected to represent Holy Cross at Admission events such as Open House, Application Day, new student interviews, new student orientation, Tiger Tours, Family Day, fundraisers, and other campus events. An ambassador will also serve as a host for special Holy Cross events such as gala, banquets, and graduation. These students are expected to act as role models for other students and prospective students both in and out of the classroom.
- Selection Process: Students are eligible to apply for the Ambassador team in April of their sophomore and/or junior years. The selection process consists of a two-part process: 1- Students are required to complete an online student questionnaire. Teachers will make recommendations based on their interactions with students throughout their years at Holy Cross School. The overall quality of a candidate will be assessed based on the student’s profile (quality of their application, attendance, and behavior records, and service to Holy Cross) as well as their teacher recommendations.
- Moderators: Savanna Heller and Julianne Watson
Student Council/Student Government
- Grades: 5th - 12th
- Club Description: Student Council is involved in every aspect of student life through the promotion, creation, and implementation of events such as dances, pep rallies, spirit posters to community charity drives, school décor, liaisons to administration, and much more. Each grade is represented by a class president and vice president chosen by the class moderators alongside the elected student council.
- Moderator: Tara Lavender
TCAC – Tiger Cub Athletic Club
- Grades: 5-8
- Club Description: The purpose of the Tiger Cub Athletic Club (TCAC) is tied to the mission of Holy Cross to educate the whole man. TCAC is a sports activities club open to all students in grades 5-8. Students are given the opportunity to develop physical and social skills through friendly competition. No student is cut from any sport and rules of participation guarantee “fair play.” Student leadership is fostered by allowing students to form teams and to exercise strategies during competition. Participation and Sportsmanship are prime values encouraged by the program. TCAC sports are flag football, basketball and soccer.
- Moderator: Michelle Willis
Tigers for Christ (Holy Cross’ Pro-Life/Social Justice Club)
- Club Description: “Without Me, you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5) It is through “Tigers For Christ” that our students educate themselves on the Pro-life Movement and Social Justice issues. Our organization facilitates the ability for our young men to put their faith into action. The culmination of our work reaches its peak each January, as students in grades 10 - 12 travel to Washington, D.C. to “March for Life.” This organization fosters a brotherhood between our students. The information which is shared with our young men allows them to stay strong in their faith, create bonds between fellow Tigers, and supports the belief that, “human rights begin, when human lives begin.”
- Moderator: Peter Shaffo
- Grades:TBD
- Club Description: TBD
- Moderator: Perry Forstall
Primary Clubs and Activities
Cub Band
- Grades: 4
- Club Description: Whether you're picking up an instrument for the first time or refining your already existing musical skills, we welcome all enthusiasts to collaborate, learn, and create harmonious melodies together in a supportive and fun environment.
- Moderator: Perry Forstall
- Email to join: [email protected]
Lego Club
- Grades: PK-7
- Club Description: Do you love building and creating with LEGO bricks? Join the LEGO Club, where creativity has no limits! Whether you're a master builder or just getting started, this club offers a fun and collaborative environment to design, build, and showcase your LEGO creations.
- Moderator: Connie Allerton
- Email to Join: [email protected]
- Meets in the spring
Primary Chess Club
- Grades: 3&4
- Club Description: HC Chess Club welcomes all students interested in chess. Whether you know nothing about chess, are a beginner, or already have some experience, chess club is here to help you learn how to play chess, become a better player, and even compete. HC is very fortunate to have US Chess Federation Master and six-time Louisiana champion James Rousselle (HC ’74) as its mentor. James meets all players at their level and is happy to show them the next steps in their development. There is never a dull meeting as HC chess players come together, play, compete, and enjoy the games.
- Moderator: Maranda Alvarez
- Email to Join: [email protected]
Primary Martial Arts
- Grades: PK-12
- Club Description: Fight with swords. Learn Self Defense. Acquire skills you can use for the rest of your life, not just when you are at HC. Open to ALL Holy Cross students from K-12 we teach the ancient art of Kenjutsu (Japanese Fencing), Kumite (Hand to Hand Fighting), and Kobudo (Weapons). The Tiger Martial Arts Team has over TEN USKA World Champions over the years and competes in Local, State, Regional, National, and World Tournaments with unparalleled success. Tournaments are entirely optional, and no experience is necessary. The only two requirements are adherence to the Code of the Holy Cross Man and the Code of the Samurai, the Dojo Kun: Seek Perfection of Character, Be Faithful, Endeavor, and Respect Others. Refrain from Violent Behavior! Contact Sensei Heller to become a Tiger Samurai Today!
- Come to ANY practice to see if you like it.
- Moderator: Thomas Heller
- Email to Join: [email protected]
Primary Robotics
- Grades: 3&4
- Description: Robotics will be an afterschool activity for 3rd and 4th grade students. The boys will learn to build and program robots using the VEX Go! Kits. The robotics team will be limited to 12 participants. The first 12 applications will be accepted, and a waiting list will be created for any additional participants.
- Moderator: Lisa Englert
- Email to Join: [email protected]
- Grades: PK-4
- Description: Dive into fun and fitness with the Holy Cross Primary Swim Team! Open to students in grades K-4, our team focuses on developing strong swimming skills while promoting teamwork, confidence, and a love for the water.
- Moderator: Dale Turner
- Email to Join: [email protected]
Primary Wrestling
Grades: PK-4
- Description: Step onto the mat with confidence in the Holy Cross Primary Wrestling Club! Designed for students in grades K-4, our program introduces young athletes to the fundamentals of wrestling in a safe and supportive environment.
- Moderator: George Benoit
- Email to Join: [email protected]