National Honor Societies Present Tiger Pride Awards

Last month the Holy Cross Chapters of the National Junior Honor Society and the National Honor Society hosted Tiger Pride Month. This observance focused on spreading compassion and kindness to others. Each week we focused on and celebrated various parts of Holy Cross: our school, community, students, faculty, and staff.

The first week we showed our love and appreciation for the Holy Cross students. Boys from Pre-K through 12th grade received a silicone bracelet as a reminder to strive to become a Holy Cross Man, a pancake breakfast (through the efforts of our very own student Tailgaters Club), snowballs at lunch, a dress-down day, and a fun Pep Rally that brought us all together as ONE school.

The second week the focus shifted to our community. In an effort to help those around us, Holy Cross hosted a blood drive, as well as started a campus-wide recycling program thanks to the help of Mrs. Krenik and Dr. Schilling. Our primary campus even collected Mardi Gras beads for Magnolia Community Center. The third week celebrated Holy Cross faculty and staff. Thanks to our supportive parents, the teachers received various surprises every day ranging from breakfast, to a candy bar, baked goods, and ice cream.

As Tiger Pride Month came to a close, we honored a student from each grade level as well as a middle school teacher, a high school teacher, and two staff members who exemplify Tiger Pride. Students, faculty, and staff were able to cast their votes to honor those individuals who they felt show kindness, compassion, and love to others daily. Congratulations to our winners! 


Pre-K – Matthew Huston

Kindergarten – Maxim Rulh

1st grade – Duke Chetta

2nd grade – Nate Simpson

3rd grade – Ian Smith

4th grade – Jude Fos

5th grade- Christopher Sercovich

6th grade- Blade Schneider

7th grade- Garrett Cantrelle

8th grade- Renzo Cantin

9th grade- Stafford Agee

10th grade- Collin Staub

11th grade- Mason Carter

12th grade- Cole Smith

Faculty & Staff:

Primary School Teacher – Lori Kerner

Middle School Teacher- Ms. Julianne Watson

High School Teacher- Mr. Shawn Collick

Staff member- Mrs. Kesha Thornabar

Staff member- Mrs. Jill Miester