HC's First Living Stations of the Cross

     Right before the Easter Break, Holy Cross had its first showing of a living Stations of the Cross event on campus. Mrs. Basier, Holy Cross’ drama director, put on the event with her drama students, and got some help from Ms. Kitchen's Theology students. The stations were set up around the gym, with big signs labeling each station that were made by some of our Art department students. As Jesus made his way around the stations, played by Kendall Harrison ('22), he was met by different students and faculty members dressed up and acting out the sacred story. In between each station, the band and chorus performed to help add ambiance and fill the room with some extra spirituality. For each time Jesus fell, they would sing a verse from the song “Were You There” which is a song about witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus and what you would do if you were there.

     Mrs. Basier who directed the whole operation, did a beautiful job setting it up.  Mr. Ferry, our substitute Theology Department chair and interim Campus Ministry director, had this to say about the event, “The Stations of the Cross was a truly blessed event. I am proud that, we as a school, could take in the Passion of Christ visually. More importantly, the event showed what HC is all about… coming together as a Family. All the credit goes to Ms. Baisier, Drama, Band, and Chorus classes for such an amazing performance.” The performance was a great success. Students and visitors were well engaged with it, and I think the people who played roles, like Kendall, did a great job staying in character. I asked Charlie Jonau ('22) how he felt about playing in the band during the performance, and he said, “I feel like our contribution from the band and chorus really added to the experience of it; it took away the dead space from the movements to each station and helped to add more to the atmosphere”. This event was a great success, and hopefully, it will continue here at Holy Cross becoming a beautiful Easter tradition.