Basketball Season is Among Holy Cross

By: David Wesley, '22

The Holy Cross men of the court are ready for a heck of season, putting in hard-work, dedication, and skill which is their drive to accomplish their goals. That hard work will be rewarded. The Holy Cross basketball Tigers are also keeping up with their academics, putting in work during the day at school before putting in work at night on the court.

It is a team sport that can develop a teamwork and leadership skills, as well as confidence. The men look to bond together and grow stronger as the season goes on to help become a beast to fear among opponents.

I talked with the head coach of the Holy Cross Basketball Team, Mister Kirkwood about the upcoming season:

What are your expectations with the team?

  • “We are going to bond and gel our young team -- teach them how to be good Holy Cross Men.”

What are plans for the season?

  • “We are going to approach the season the same way we have in the past. We are going to teach our young men to do the right things during the school day and it is going to translate to success at night.”

How do you motivate your team to play hard and play well?

  • “We always tell them that they are playing for the school. Guys gave blood, sweat, and tears to make sure that we could have all these luxuries that we have, so it’s easy to motivate them to play hard.”

What's your experience as a coach; what adversities have you faced; and, why did you become a coach?

  • “This would be year 24. If it’s possible I’ve seen it all. This is a great institution with great young men, so I don’t have any adversities anymore.”


The Tigers’ next home game is on Tuesday, December 7th. So, come out and support your Tigers as they face Riverdale for 7:00pm.