Dodgeball Leads to Brotherhood

By: Jacob Stumpf, '21            

        Coach Biamonte always talks about how when he was a student at Holy Cross, their school spirit was immaculate. He would tell his students, that at lunch, the senior class played intramural games all the time. They would play kick ball, dodge ball, and even touch football. In order to strengthen our brotherhood and continued camaraderie, Coach Biamonte’s mission was to bring intramurals back.

            High school students were split into teams according to their Theology classes periods. All would play in a single elimination series. Spirit Week was our final playoff week for the tournament. On Monday Mr. Ferry’s C and G periods played each other, and G period took the win. Tuesday were Ferry’s B and F periods against each other, B period won. Coach Biamonte let C and F have another game, purely for bragging rights, to see who would come in dead last, F period ended up winning and C period took home that dead last spot. Senior, Edward Muhleison said “I am happy that we have someone like Coach Biamonte, who really does show that he cares about the student body.”

            The championship dodgeball game was saved for the big Rivalry Pep Rally and would host Mr. Ferry’s B and G periods in front of the entire school. G period donned costumes representing their team name of Gordon’s Holy Kitchen while B period donned yellow jerseys sporting the team name of Average Joe’s. Though the match was won by a landslide, that didn’t prevent the participants from some incredibly intense plays and cheering. The chefs took home the title, but winning and losing wasn’t the main purpose of this intermural series. Cole Biamonte, Coach Biamonte’s son, thought about what his dad was doing, and he commented, “I am very blessed to have someone like my dad, who shows his love and passion for the students here.” The whole point was about brining the classes closer. Students had classmates on their teams, who haven’t spoken to each other this year, and now have created a friendship all because of a dodge ball game. Coach Biamonte did a phenomenal job on coordinating the games and accomplishing his mission. The student body is very lucky to have someone like him.