Holy Cross Welcomes Dr. Ken Tedesco Back to the Holy Cross Family as Chief Advancement Officer and Special Advisor to the Headmaster



Dear Holy Cross Community,

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Ken Tedesco back to the Holy Cross Family. 

With more than 50 years in Catholic and private education in New Orleans, Dr. Tedesco joins the Holy Cross School Leadership Team as the Chief Advancement Officer and Special Advisor to the Headmaster.

His experience and perspective gives valuable knowledge on the vitality of educational institutions, from the vantage points of teacher, administrator and CEO/President.  Dr. Tedesco holds a wealth of knowledge, having dedicated his life to education in New Orleans at institutions including the Holy Cross School, University of Holy Cross, Tulane University and De La Salle High School. 

He understands the administrative, financial and leadership challenges and opportunities that must be addressed in order to make the classroom exchange possible between student and teacher. Dr. Tedesco has developed and carried out annual and capital fundraising, alumni programs and strategic planning in higher education at two leading New Orleans universities—Tulane University and the University of Holy Cross.

Dr. Tedesco is a graduate of Holy Cross High School in Flushing, NY and answered a call from God to begin discernment to become a Brother for the Congregation of Holy Cross. Although he went through formation, novitiate and temporary vows, he ultimately dedicated his life to a career in education and a vocation as a husband and father.

It has always been his heart’s mission to serve the community that served him, and we are honored to have Dr. Tedesco back as part of the Holy Cross School Leadership Team. 

Crux Spes Unica,


Sean P. Martin ‘92
