Senior Prom: The Night of Nights

By: Gavin Schulz, '21

The 2021 senior class has not had it easy this year. With Covid-19 destroying the possible memories the seniors could make, senior prom was not easy to schedule. The seniors are definitely counting their blessings this year. It has been a blessing that this event can even happen. Their last homecoming dance along with so many other events, were already taken from them. It is very unfortunate that the seniors have to learn to cope with missing out on these memories when they are supposed to be making some of their best memories.  

Holy Cross has decided to host the Senior Prom inside the café. Fortunately, the café was designed for functions like this. All of the usual decor and accessories will still be there for the students. There will be a DJ, and a photo booth and plenty of food and drinks at the venue. Holy Cross has put in great effort to make sure that the seniors have a fun night to cap off their senior year. Senior Jake Kaufmann said, “Prom is a night that I will remember forever. When I grow old, I will tell my kids about the memories I made with my Holy Cross brothers in High School, and this will be one of them. After such a challenging year with so many obstacles to overcome from this pandemic, the seniors will definitely have a night to remember, a night that will finally be unlike anything they've had to forego or endure this past year and a half.