Lunchin' on the Lake

 By: Connor Helmke, '21

            The first semester of school is already halfway over, and stress and school work may be overwhelming around this time. So, to break up the work load, the Junior class threw their annual Junior BBQ on Thursday.  With the help of Coach and Chemistry teacher David Westfall, every junior who wanted to attend turned in a permission slip and $5. After 3rd period, the juniors left on Holy Cross buses for the Lakefront where the BBQ was held. With the help of some Jr grade level moms and teachers, the juniors enjoyed the burgers and drinks that were also served with a variety of chips and sweets. Junior, Kylon Haley, said, “It gave me a chance to eat good food. “ Haley also noted, “ [I was able to] spend time with my friends outdoors; we should do activities like this more often.” When everyone had enough to eat, they continued to enjoy the comfortable weather by playing football and spike ball, brought by the juniors themselves, while other students were found sitting on the hill overlooking the Lakefront and socializing amongst their brothers. Junior, James DiGiovanni, said, “It brought me together with my classmates outside of the classroom and gave my friends and I an opportunity to relieve stress.” The barbeque was enjoyed by all the Juniors and even a few teachers seemed to enjoy the weather and their students having carefree fun. This event is always a great opportunity to take a break from the stress and bring the students closer together as a class. Thank you to Coach Westfall for organizing the event and to everyone who helped make it a much needed stress-free, good time.