Five Holy Cross Students Receive Archdiocese Awards

Five Holy Cross students were honored by Archbishop Gregory Aymond at St. Louis Cathedral at the annual Leadership Celebration this past weekend.

Senior Andre Farnet, Jr. received the St. Timothy Award, which is the highest award the Archdiocese of New Orleans can bestow upon a young person. This is a national award that recognizes outstanding youth who exemplify Christian service, Catholic leadership and good moral standards. The youth who receive this award are not only outstanding in their church parish, but also in the larger archdiocesan community. These individuals have displayed high ideals and have grown spiritually while offering their time and talents in the service of the church parish and the community at large.

Senior Colin Lofton received the Matt Hill Award, which is awarded to a young man and a young woman who have excelled in the Catholic Youth & Young Adult Ministry Athletic Leagues and exhibit leadership qualities and a desire to serve others. This is much more than simply an athletic award. The young people who are honored are recognized as well-rounded members of their church parishes who witness for the gospel by their lives. 

Freshman Evan Barrios, junior Hayden Brodnax, and senior Bryceson Chapuis received the CYO Parish Leadership Award for their leadership and dedication to their respective church parishes.

Congratulations to these Holy Cross Men for their outstanding servant leadership!