Holy Cross will be hosting its 4rd annual Early Summer Tech Camp. Participants will dive in and explore a wide variety of technologies in the fields of science and mathematics. Students will make videos, 3D print their own creations, and dabble in computer programming just to name a few projects.
Date: May 27 – May 30, 2025
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Before and After Care Available)
Ages: 7 – 13 years old, Boys and Girls
Cost: $240 ($280 with before and after care)
Before & After Care: 8am – 9am & 3pm – 4:30 pm
Location: H103 & H104 - Holy Cross Donald Palmer Building, 5500 Paris Avenue, NOLA 70122
Register Online:
* Campers will need to bring a water bottle, snacks, and lunch daily.
Please complete the form below. A separate form is required for each camper.
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